Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Eugenics Post ON HOLD, Due to my ANGER

Okay, I was supposed to post my next post on the topic of Eugenics, but I needed instead to vent briefly about something I just read. Someone explain to me why this douche-wad, Madoff, who robbed various world banks of around $50 billion is not in jail right now. Just because he didn't walk in the front door with a pistol and hold up the teller doesn't make him any less of a crook. No one lets bank robbers sit at home IN THEIR MANSION awaiting trial. They are forced to sit in prison with murderers, rapists, and other criminals. This guy gets to chill in his $7 million mansion with his family. What a load of crap! It is similar to what many parents do when they ground their teenager to their room, which has a flat screen HDTV and XBOX 360, along with a computer and cable in their room...what a punishment, you showed them!

So what is our government saying...they are saying that as long as you are really clever with your robbery, in a high up position, and take A CRAP LOAD of get nothing done to you (don't think for a second he will be put in a real prison when he's convicted either!). So all of you criminals out there...think big!!!! We will reward you for it!

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