Sunday, January 4, 2009

Eugenics Part 2 (Sorry for the extended hiatus!)

Hey, sorry for the long absence, I was enjoying the holidays with my family and made myself leave all of my righteous anger until the new year began...then I could regain my absolute level of pissed off and start ranting for the world (or, the four people who are reading this...thanks guys!) to hear! Now that I have got my self-important ideals reinstated, on with....Eugenics Part 2!!!!

About 3 weeks ago I posted a blog discussing the topic of eugenics (it is still up if you want to go back and refresh your memory....I'll wait................okay). I said that in my second post, I would list my ways to implement this controversial idea in our world. In all honesty, this is not a difficult idea to implement in my opinion, all people should be allowed to have one child (maybe even two...), but after this point, certain requirements would have to be met. I think a certain income level must be attained...there is no reason for people who work for a living to have to support some welfare mom who wants to have 8 kids so she can get a big check from the government. I also think that how a family has done with their first (or second) child should be observed as well (let's face it...there are wealthy people who shouldn't be allowed kids either!).

How would we penalize people who broke the rule and got pregnant after their limit? Well forcing abortion is NOT an option in my opinion. I think that birth control should be free and available at ALL drugstores (not just the health department), so we can encourage people to avoid unwanted pregnancies. For the people who don't meet the income requirements, they can have the child and put it up for adoption, or have the child and keep it ONCE. If this is their choice, then the woman would be temporarily sterilized (no, nothing sci-fi, just put in an IUD to prevent pregnancy for a 5 year period, then circumstances can be re-examined after that period.) If this is refused, then all government aid to that family should cease (and child services would monitor the family closely and if neglect is evident, children will be taken).

The problem with this idea is that all of the politically correct, well-meaning (well some are...) citizens of our country would see this as a violation of civil liberties and our rights as human beings. BOLOGNA (Actually this should be another "B" word...but I shouldn't curse on a public blog!) There is nothing about having children that is a right. Destroying a child's life so you can have cable tv that the government pays for is not a right! Children are a responsibility, not a right. If responsibility can't be demonstrated, then I don't think people should be allowed to have kids...period!

1 comment:

Batty said...

I can see where people would think that having children is a right, but it's so not. I see kids come into the clinic everyday from low income families where mom has just kept having baby after baby and all of them are neglected. The poor kids are usually diagnosed with some learning or attention disorder that stems pretty much from being ignored their entire life and letting the TV/sibling/cracked out live-in be their responsible party. The parents are usually on drugs are in terrible relationships and shouldn't have had their first child, let alone their eighth. Even the kids that come in from normal to high income families have the same problems with neglect and crappy parenting. There are the exceptions, of course, where the kid just has a learning disorder and comes from a great home and needs a little extra help. I agree that there should have to be some sort of testing or something to check for a person's parenting credentials. Like I said, most of the kids in the clinic have been molested and hurt because mom or dad is a self-centered parent who should have never been allowed to procreate.