Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Eugenics Anyone?

As I have been working on ideas for a book (I have all of the answers, but as this blog shows...no audience!), I came across a controversial topic that sounded interesting to me. That topic was Eugenics. This is a vilified science that basically equals selective breeding. Now, this has been misused by the Nazis (trust them to screw up good ideas...), because they believed in this breeding to be from chosen racial specimens. I find this abhorrent! But, the idea of letting only certain people have children (Oh hell, let's just get it out of the way...NOT letting certain people have kids is what I'm after!) is in some ways appealing.

Now, usually at this point someone says I'm being an elitist, who thinks they are better than other people. That I am not. I don't even think the idea of eugenics should be used just for allowing the most intelligent people to reproduce (I think that is a HUGE mistake). What I do think is that our world's major concern is not the economy, it is not global warming...it isn't even terrorism (quick...alert the government!). It is over population. This will be what eventually pushes us into chaos. Competition for dwindling resources will be what eventually causes World War III and will basically end humanities destructive reign over this planet.

I am NOT a person who wants to see that happen! I kind of like being alive, and I really like our planet. I think that if we could limit reproduction, then we could begin regaining some sanity in this world. There is no excuse for people starving or not having clean water or even a place to live. The problem is our ballooning population will continue to tax our planet and cause us unending amounts of problems. Maybe China was on to something when they limited having children in their country....

(Tomorrow I will write part 2 of this with my suggestions for how to implement this....odd idea!)

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