Monday, December 8, 2008

10 Million Dollar Bonus...for doing your job!!! REALLY?

If you haven't heard yet, Merrill Lynch's CEO John Thain is so proud of the work he has put in this past year that he feels he has earned a $10,000,000 bonus as a reward. What has he done that is worth that price tag? Well, he helped Merrill Lynch avoid a HUGE economic catastrophe and helped shareholders not lose all of their money (just some...YAY!!!)., he wants to be rewarded for what...DOING HIS JOB!!! What an asinine piece of reasoning. Hey, I teach high school kids...if one doesn't drop out of school this month do I deserve a $10,000 bonus? What about when one makes an A? $25,000 bonus? The guy at McDonalds got my order right! Let's give him $1,000. I was under the impression that this moron got A PAYCHECK as his reward for helping avert financial meltdown. Last time I checked, Merrill Lynch's clients still lost money for the most part over this past year...where is this proposed $10,000,000 coming from? I've got an idea...take that $10,000,000 and PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES RATHER THAN FIRING THEM!!! You just have to love big business reasoning...

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