Thursday, December 11, 2008

What Is So Magical About the 1700's?

I have a question for all of you conservatives out there...Why is your excuse for holding back progressive change usually something like this, "That isn't what our forefathers intended.", or "What would our forefathers think?". Can I be honest...I don't really care what they would think. That's right, I said it...I don't care what George Washington would think about the Dow Jones. You want to know why? BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND IT!!!! It is something that has been created for our time, not the 1700's! You want to know some other things he might not understand...toilets or electricity! Should we stop using those too? What about computers? Crap, half of the adults I know can't productively use one of those. I'm sure an 18th century man, no matter how smart he was, couldn't grasp that concept either! It is asinine to consantly point back to an out of date time period and try to base your ideas and morals on what you think people back then would have done.

You want to know some other things that people in that time period believed in? How about slavery. How about forbidding women to vote. Crap, how about forbidding MOST people to vote.(okay, I might be able to get behind that after seeing some of the morons I saw at the polls recently!) They also believed in stealing land from the Indians and not offering an ounce of restitution, and when people spoke out against this they were banished from their colonies (Look up Roger Williams and see what happened to him). And that pipe dream of America being a land of religious tolerance...Puritans were much better at persecuting people with differing views than the British that they were fleeing from!

My point here is not to bad mouth our forefathers, they were great men and I admire them deeply. I respect the sacrifices they made to give us freedom including allowing me to sit here and gripe about this on the internet. My point is that just because something is different doesn't automatically make it bad. Our morals and ideas need to be based on common sense and our individual situations today. Change is inevitable and we must all be willing to make changes as well or else we will end up...well, like we are now!

1 comment:

David said...

And on the handful of issues that the founding fathers would have understood (Separation of Church and State, Abolition, Civil Rights, etc.) they would have disagreed with the majority of today's conservatives. The conservatives are either too stupid to know this or too dishonest to admit it.