Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Stop the Gloom and Doom

I spent a majority of the day yesterday in a depressed fog due to the negative nature of 95% of the news stories, and comments I found on the internet yesterday. Everywhere you turn it was more news on how long this recession (possible depression) might go. The massive amounts of lay-offs were everywhere. The continuing battle for government bail-outs and the public outcry against this was the top story on all of the news sites. I have grown to expect fear-mongering from our media, but what shocked me were the comments I saw after these stories.

It is amazing how many people seem to get excited about bad news. I was shocked at the comments by people who are thrilled that our economy, and country, are in danger of a historic collapse. Why were these people excited? Most of them seemed excited because they felt like they had predicted this and now everyone could marvel at their massive intelligence. What a load of crap. Why would anyone be excited about millions of people unemployed and not able to feed their families? Why would anyone revel in the idea of children living on the street and going hungry? Shouldn't people be trying to find ways to help each other, and pray for each other, instead of being overjoyed at the pain and suffering we see around us?

As we enter what could be remembered as a very dark time for our country I ask all of you to remember those who are suffering and look for ways to help, even if they are only small ways. Be thankful for what you have, and be a POSITIVE force in our communities. Fear-mongering is a pointless exercise that does nothing but upset people. STOP IT!!!

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