Thursday, December 18, 2008

New Eugenics Post ON HOLD, Due to my ANGER

Okay, I was supposed to post my next post on the topic of Eugenics, but I needed instead to vent briefly about something I just read. Someone explain to me why this douche-wad, Madoff, who robbed various world banks of around $50 billion is not in jail right now. Just because he didn't walk in the front door with a pistol and hold up the teller doesn't make him any less of a crook. No one lets bank robbers sit at home IN THEIR MANSION awaiting trial. They are forced to sit in prison with murderers, rapists, and other criminals. This guy gets to chill in his $7 million mansion with his family. What a load of crap! It is similar to what many parents do when they ground their teenager to their room, which has a flat screen HDTV and XBOX 360, along with a computer and cable in their room...what a punishment, you showed them!

So what is our government saying...they are saying that as long as you are really clever with your robbery, in a high up position, and take A CRAP LOAD of get nothing done to you (don't think for a second he will be put in a real prison when he's convicted either!). So all of you criminals out there...think big!!!! We will reward you for it!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Eugenics Anyone?

As I have been working on ideas for a book (I have all of the answers, but as this blog audience!), I came across a controversial topic that sounded interesting to me. That topic was Eugenics. This is a vilified science that basically equals selective breeding. Now, this has been misused by the Nazis (trust them to screw up good ideas...), because they believed in this breeding to be from chosen racial specimens. I find this abhorrent! But, the idea of letting only certain people have children (Oh hell, let's just get it out of the way...NOT letting certain people have kids is what I'm after!) is in some ways appealing.

Now, usually at this point someone says I'm being an elitist, who thinks they are better than other people. That I am not. I don't even think the idea of eugenics should be used just for allowing the most intelligent people to reproduce (I think that is a HUGE mistake). What I do think is that our world's major concern is not the economy, it is not global isn't even terrorism (quick...alert the government!). It is over population. This will be what eventually pushes us into chaos. Competition for dwindling resources will be what eventually causes World War III and will basically end humanities destructive reign over this planet.

I am NOT a person who wants to see that happen! I kind of like being alive, and I really like our planet. I think that if we could limit reproduction, then we could begin regaining some sanity in this world. There is no excuse for people starving or not having clean water or even a place to live. The problem is our ballooning population will continue to tax our planet and cause us unending amounts of problems. Maybe China was on to something when they limited having children in their country....

(Tomorrow I will write part 2 of this with my suggestions for how to implement this....odd idea!)

Thursday, December 11, 2008

What Is So Magical About the 1700's?

I have a question for all of you conservatives out there...Why is your excuse for holding back progressive change usually something like this, "That isn't what our forefathers intended.", or "What would our forefathers think?". Can I be honest...I don't really care what they would think. That's right, I said it...I don't care what George Washington would think about the Dow Jones. You want to know why? BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T UNDERSTAND IT!!!! It is something that has been created for our time, not the 1700's! You want to know some other things he might not understand...toilets or electricity! Should we stop using those too? What about computers? Crap, half of the adults I know can't productively use one of those. I'm sure an 18th century man, no matter how smart he was, couldn't grasp that concept either! It is asinine to consantly point back to an out of date time period and try to base your ideas and morals on what you think people back then would have done.

You want to know some other things that people in that time period believed in? How about slavery. How about forbidding women to vote. Crap, how about forbidding MOST people to vote.(okay, I might be able to get behind that after seeing some of the morons I saw at the polls recently!) They also believed in stealing land from the Indians and not offering an ounce of restitution, and when people spoke out against this they were banished from their colonies (Look up Roger Williams and see what happened to him). And that pipe dream of America being a land of religious tolerance...Puritans were much better at persecuting people with differing views than the British that they were fleeing from!

My point here is not to bad mouth our forefathers, they were great men and I admire them deeply. I respect the sacrifices they made to give us freedom including allowing me to sit here and gripe about this on the internet. My point is that just because something is different doesn't automatically make it bad. Our morals and ideas need to be based on common sense and our individual situations today. Change is inevitable and we must all be willing to make changes as well or else we will end up...well, like we are now!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Want To Hear Something CRAZY???

Hey, I have an odd thought I want to share with you all....I think I know one of the major culprits causing our current economic dumphole beyond the usual suspects. Ready for something strange...HGTV! What? Follow me on this one...

One of the major precursors to the economic collapse was the bursting housing bubble. What caused this burst? People who had no place buying homes, buying them at cut rate interest prices that they couldn't afford. Why did a good bit of them make these stupid decisions. They were morons who watched dreck like "Total Home Makeover" and "Flip That House" and thought, "Hey, I can paint some walls, add some furniture and then resell this house for a $50,000 profit!" The problem being that eventually you run out of people willing to buy these crappy retreads, and then....BANG!!! Foreclosure city!

What made me realize this is that in several of the neighborhoods in which my wife and I have been thinking about purchasing a house, (Yes, I am the one person in America interested in buying a house) we've noticed some oddities. Multiple houses were for sale in a majority of these neighborhoods. I immediately thought it must be because someone is building a nuclear power plant or meth lab next door, which was driving down prices (sadly enough, I am halfway serious about the meth lab portion of that!). What we are discovering is that these houses are owned by the some of the same people...and upon further examination we've noticed that many of the houses have areas that look like half-completed flips.

What's the moral, boys and girls? Think back to something our parents told us (or that you might have seen in a warning before such masterpieces as "Jackass")..Just because you see someone doing it on tv doesn't mean you can do it too!!! Leave this to professionals and stop destroying my country with your greed!

Stop the Gloom and Doom

I spent a majority of the day yesterday in a depressed fog due to the negative nature of 95% of the news stories, and comments I found on the internet yesterday. Everywhere you turn it was more news on how long this recession (possible depression) might go. The massive amounts of lay-offs were everywhere. The continuing battle for government bail-outs and the public outcry against this was the top story on all of the news sites. I have grown to expect fear-mongering from our media, but what shocked me were the comments I saw after these stories.

It is amazing how many people seem to get excited about bad news. I was shocked at the comments by people who are thrilled that our economy, and country, are in danger of a historic collapse. Why were these people excited? Most of them seemed excited because they felt like they had predicted this and now everyone could marvel at their massive intelligence. What a load of crap. Why would anyone be excited about millions of people unemployed and not able to feed their families? Why would anyone revel in the idea of children living on the street and going hungry? Shouldn't people be trying to find ways to help each other, and pray for each other, instead of being overjoyed at the pain and suffering we see around us?

As we enter what could be remembered as a very dark time for our country I ask all of you to remember those who are suffering and look for ways to help, even if they are only small ways. Be thankful for what you have, and be a POSITIVE force in our communities. Fear-mongering is a pointless exercise that does nothing but upset people. STOP IT!!!

Monday, December 8, 2008

10 Million Dollar Bonus...for doing your job!!! REALLY?

If you haven't heard yet, Merrill Lynch's CEO John Thain is so proud of the work he has put in this past year that he feels he has earned a $10,000,000 bonus as a reward. What has he done that is worth that price tag? Well, he helped Merrill Lynch avoid a HUGE economic catastrophe and helped shareholders not lose all of their money (just some...YAY!!!)., he wants to be rewarded for what...DOING HIS JOB!!! What an asinine piece of reasoning. Hey, I teach high school kids...if one doesn't drop out of school this month do I deserve a $10,000 bonus? What about when one makes an A? $25,000 bonus? The guy at McDonalds got my order right! Let's give him $1,000. I was under the impression that this moron got A PAYCHECK as his reward for helping avert financial meltdown. Last time I checked, Merrill Lynch's clients still lost money for the most part over this past year...where is this proposed $10,000,000 coming from? I've got an idea...take that $10,000,000 and PAY YOUR EMPLOYEES RATHER THAN FIRING THEM!!! You just have to love big business reasoning...